There are many tools for checking whether a PDF document complies with one of the PDF standards (PDF/A, PDF/X etc.). But only a few of them can be used for automated tests. PDFUnit uses the PDFBox's 'Preflight' parser internally to check the compliance with PDF/A.
Information on the 'Preflight' parser can be found on the project web site
A PDF/A validation starts with the following method:
// Validate PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-1b:
The next example checks compliance with PDF/A-1a:
@Test public void compliesWithPDFA() throws Exception { String fileName = "pdf_a/documentUnderTest.pdf";AssertThat.document(fileName) .compliesWith() .pdfStandard(PDFA_1A)
; }
Files can be tested but not byte-arrays or streams. |
The validation can be parameterized using one of the two
constants |
The error messages from the Preflight parser are passed through to PDFUnit. The images below show examples in Eclipse and in an HTML browser:
A PDF/A validation can also be applied to all PDF documents in a given folder:
@Test public void compliesWithPDFA_InFolder() throws Exception { File foldertoWatch = new File("pdf_a-1b"); FilenameFilter filenameFilter = new FilenameContainingFilter("tn0001"); AssertThat.eachDocument() .inFolder(foldertoWatch) .passedFilter(filenameFilter) .compliesWith() .pdfStandard(PDFA_1B) ; }